Set yourself up for success each week by utilizing these meal prep tips from Team myHMB ambassador Philita Scholz.

Having a busy and demanding career means little time to yourself.  It can also make health and nutrition fall behind on the list of priorities even though it should be close to the top.The fitness aspect has always been easier for me, as I’m naturally an early riser, so workouts are done by 6am.  However, finding time to meal prep for not only myself, but my husband takes a little more consideration.  

My Sunday afternoons are focused on meal prepping – cutting vegetables for my daily breakfast omelets, usually a few green peppers, onions, a container of mushrooms, and grape tomatoes. This makes my morning routine smoother and less stressful. I’m able to toss the veggies in a pan with some eggs and let them cook while packing my cooler for work and finishing up other morning tasks. 

Next comes lunch prep. I cook enough food for a few days and the meals always include chicken and rice or another healthy carb source.  I split about 5 pounds of chicken between baking and the pressure cooker to add variety and flexibility.  Here are a ton of creative recipes you can throw together with your pre-cooked chicken.

All in all, I spend at least 3 hours prepping food.  However, those 3 hours set the tone for the entire week.  I’m able to grab healthy food when I’m in a rush (as I usually am), leaving zero excuses and making eating healthy much more simple. Bonus, you’ll feel much better than if you have to resort to quick food or takeout.

Set yourself up for success every week by planning a day of meal prepping and I guarantee you will find being healthy is just as much about planning as it is anything else!  

Fitness Model & CPA Philita Wheeler doing bicep curls

Philita Scholz

Philita Scholz’s obsession began with running.  After realizing running 50-60 miles a week was no longer a challenge for her she tried out bodybuilding and even qualified for the Arnold Classic Amateur Figure Championships.  Philita is a very focused entrepreneur helping people in the financial, health & wellness, and education arenas.


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