Partners TSI Group Ltd. and Metabolic Technologies Inc., are excited to announce the rebranding of their HMB® ingredient line to the new and refreshed brand name – myHMB®.
The brand and ingredient, HMB (also known as beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbuturate), has long been popular among sport nutrition brands for its impressive strength and recovery benefits for competitive athletes. For over 20 years, however, HMB has also been studied for its muscle health benefits in virtually every condition possible, both within sports applications and beyond.
“What we have found is that, essentially, as long as you have muscles, which all of us do, you can benefit from HMB supplementation,” states Shawn Baier, COO of Metabolic Technologies, Inc.
Larry Kolb, President of TSI USA Inc. adds, “Since the benefits of HMB do extend far beyond sports nutrition, we wanted to create this more inclusive myHMB® brand to speak to the sports and non-sports consumers alike and also create the platform for a higher-level discussion on muscle health itself.”
While health focuses like joint, bone, eye and heart health are very well known to the consumer and widely discussed within the industry, muscle health is rather unknown at the moment despite making up 30-40% of our total body mass and having the hefty responsibility of controlling all the body’s movement and support. Muscle also plays a crucial role in metabolic function, strength and keeping us healthy and active through every stage of life.
Baier continues, “Muscle health care should be a top concern for all consumers, regardless of age or activity level, but the education simply isn’t there at the moment. We’re hoping to change that in the near future.”
This refreshed myHMB® brand will allow us to stand out, not only within the sport nutrition market, but also within emerging muscle health categories like active nutrition and healthy aging. It’s a unique opportunity to that allows us to better speak to and support the growing number of consumers interested nutritional supplements for healthy, active lifestyles and overall wellness.
A new website and positioning have been developed to support the myHMB® brand, in addition to a new logo with an inclusive identity to emphasize the diversity of people that can benefit from HMB supplementation.
“For nearly two decades, the original HMB brand has been a cornerstone of our business, and today we are happy to be the leading producer of HMB globally.” Kolb concludes, “it’s important to clarify that the myHMB® brand represents the same high quality, clinically substantiated, safe and efficacious ingredient that our customers and the end users are used to receiving, just with a new and improved brand.”