Yes, there are other supplements that have shown to have healthy benefits when taken in conjunction with HMB.
Research has shown that the nutrient, Vitamin D3, is essential for helping muscles reach their full potential. When HMB is combined with Vitamin D3 it optimizes the effectiveness of HMB. Learn more.
HMB combined with PEAK ATP® has also shown a synergistic benefit on performance gains – meaning that when combined the benefits are greater than with either supplement alone. Learn more.
HMB combined with creatine has been shown to have an additive effect on performance, more than either supplement on their own.
It is also suggested that HMB be taken in combination with a balanced diet that contains a daily protein intake of about one gram per pound of body weight, especially if you are actively exercising. If your diet isn’t balanced or your protein intake is low, then HMB should be combined with the appropriate vitamin, mineral, protein, or energy supplement to balance your diet.